Poems So many times

So many times

So many times,
My eyes met hers
And every time
my heart missed a beat
So many times I asked myself
Is it love or something else?

So many times,
I had felt her eyes on me
And had seen
that calm and distant look
So many times I had thought
Was it love or something else?

So many times,
I saw the smile on her face
And had seen
That sparkle in her eyes
So many times I had wondered
Was it for me or for someone else?

So many times,
On lonely moonlit nights
I held her hands
And kissed her in my dreams
So many times I cried silently
And hoped my dreams come true.

So many times,
I thought she wanted to say something
But she never did
And let her silence haunt my nights
Many, many times I had wished
If only I could know a girl’s heart.



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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Ha ha, dude, the only way to know what a girl is thinking is to go ask her. Believe me, it works 😉

  2. @ nabila
    i guess u r right.. 🙂

    @luscious , nidhi
    Thanx for ur comments.. 🙂

    @ anon
    i believe u 😉

    @ Dan
    thanx but unfortunately it not for anyone 😛

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